Old Navy Denim Experience

The Challenge
To communicate clarity of fit and create an omni experience across all in-store and digital assets.

The Solution
The Old Navy design team collaboratively worked alongside the UX team to create a landing page experience to help the customer deep dive into the breadth of denim assortment and understand each style Old Navy has to offer. The design team developed iconography, branded elements, directed on-figure image photography and dynamic videos, along with creating a clickable digital ad placed throughout the Old Navy website, that lead back to the denim fit guide.

Printed in-store media included mini-table banners, an all new Denim Menu featuring a QR code that takes the customer directly to the denim landing page, wall hinge signs, large format signage, mannequin hangtags, shelf strips, and additional directional signage.

Print Design, Digital Assets, In-store Experience

Art Direction
Daniel Kent, Coco Lloyd

Photo & Video Direction
Coco Lloyd, Jason Moses


Poster House Digital Ads